PAK Core – IJsonMapper
In this short summary you will get an idea how you can transform the format of PAKs output data.
PAK Error Codes
This chapter gives an overview of all existing error codes.
This HowTo introduces the ICommandRestService-interface and explains how to use it correctly
PAK Core – IDataTransformer
In this short summary you will get an idea how you can transform the format of PAKs output data.
Maven Repository Manager Configuration
This tutorial shows how to configure the Maven Repository Manager.
PAK Core – IServiceProviderFactory
In this short summary you will get an idea how to use a factory to create an IServiceProvider.
PAK Core – Enabling Sub-Models
In this guide you will learn how to enable sub-model handling for your engine.
PAK Core – ContextBuilder
In this short summary you will get an idea how to use the ContextBuilder to create the default IContext of the framework.
PAK Core – IContext
In this short summary you will get an idea how to use a factory to create an IServiceProvider.